Black Star


Black Star; Inspired for Madalen. A Magical fairy inspired creation. PTU Digital Kit, 125 PNG Elements, 14 JPG Papers, Created at 300 DPI.

*She can pick this kit up, by using discount coupon code at checkout of her first two digits of her birthday month and two digits of birthday day. Example December 10th would be: 1210

Black Star was inspired by a really special girl I know. Last year about this time I wrote Santa a story. It was about dreams, and this one was mine for this little girl.

I wrote about two fairies, one was called The Guardian, the strongest and most powerful, all seeing fairy and the other was her hope, it was the beautiful Black Star, her right hand fairy.

This fairy was the one she's always looked out for, Black Star was still young and learning, but she had one very special magical ability that many other fairies did not.

Black Star was gifted to be able communicate between all species, fantasy land or in the human world of all. Communicating nature in innocence without a terrible storm, she learned it would always be better to try to explain in kindness to others.

In her patience of others and herself, magic happened. She could flutter from this world to the next, fairy dust fluttering all about as she brushed by, gifting love and understanding she knew what it felt now, it was MAGIC!  

She was powerful as she tried to explain how she felt with all of nature and the spiritual realm she was able to create, to breathe, to love freely the ability to feel the earth beneath her bare feet, set her hair free and laugh out loud. Her magic shined around her in many aura's of color.

Santa sent the little girl I talk about last year, these statues of the fairies I wrote about, they would come to her aid when she needed it, when even she couldn't see it, they would provide HOPE for this little girl.

Later on, I got a letter back from Santa telling me where to go to pick up a wrapped brown package from a special little store. They whispered to me that it was also to go to this special girl, as her story would be a long one, filled with happiness, and many stories to tell. They joined what Santa had sent directly, creating many more stories about magic to come...

Now I create this world for this little girl as I've seen it. This is the story in graphics, go magical, go dark, either way giving a fairy land world she could always close her eyes too and always feel safe. She was cared for always by the Guardian. Black Star always new she was loved.

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